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The defineConfig helper is from @solidjs/start/config and is used within app.config.ts.

It takes a configuration object with settings for SolidStart, Vite, and Nitro.

Configuring Vite

SolidStart supports most Vite options, including plugins via the vite option:

import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config";
export default defineConfig({
vite: {
// vite options
plugins: [],

The vite option can also be a function that can be customized for each Vinxi router.

In SolidStart, 3 routers are used:

  • server - server-side routing
  • client - for the client-side routing
  • server-function - server functions.
import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config";
export default defineConfig({
vite({ router }) {
if (router === "server") {
} else if (router === "client") {
} else if (router === "server-function") {
return { plugins: [] };

Configuring Nitro

SolidStart uses Nitro to run on a number of platforms. The server option exposes some Nitro options including the build and deployment presets. An overview of all available presets is available in the Deploy section of the Nitro documumentation.

Some common ones include:



Static site generation

By passing no arguments, the default will be the Node preset. Other presets may be automatically detected by the provider, however, if not, they must be added to the configuration within the server-preset option.

For example, using Netlify Edge would look like the following:

import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config";
export default defineConfig({
server: {
preset: "netlify_edge",

Special note

SolidStart uses async local storage. Netlify, Vercel, and Deno should work should support this out of the box but if you're using Cloudflare you will need to specify the following:

import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config";
export default defineConfig({
server: {
preset: "cloudflare_module",
rollupConfig: {
external: ["__STATIC_CONTENT_MANIFEST", "node:async_hooks"],

Within wrangler.toml you will need to enable node compatibility:

compatibility_flags = [ "nodejs_compat" ]


ssrbooleantrueToggle between client and server rendering.
solidobjectConfiguration object for vite-plugin-solid
extensionsstring[]["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx"]Array of file extensions to be treated as routes.
serverobjectNitro server config options
appRootstring"./src"The path to the root of the application.
routeDirstring"./routes"The path to where the routes are located.
middlewarestringThe path to an optional middleware file.
devOverlaybooleantrueToggle the dev overlay.
experimental.islandsbooleanfalseEnable "islands" mode.
viteViteConfig or ({ router })=>ViteConfigVite config object. Can be configured for each router which has the string value "server", "client" or "server-function"`
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